Simple 4-4-4 Technique for Stress & Anxiety

4-4-4 Breathing Exercise:

 Practicing a regular breathing exercise can be a useful tool for achieving a relaxed state of mind and reducing anxiety. When you’re feeling anxious, you might notice your breathing becomes fast, shallow, and from your diaphragm.

By breathing slowly and from your belly, you can switch from fear and anxiety to a state of calm in only a few minutes. You’re engaging your parasympathetic nervous system, which induces a relaxation response in the body (opposite of “fight or flight”).


Find a comfortable position, sitting or lying down.

Breathe in slowly, through your nose, to the count of 4 seconds, allowing your abdomen to expand.


Hold your breath to the count of 4 seconds.


Exhale slowly, through your mouth, to the count of 4 seconds, allowing your abdomen to contract.
