
If you have a pattern of people-pleasing, you might:

  • Consistently put other’s needs and well-being before your own

  • Be highly empathic and attuned to others’ needs

  • Try to earn people’s approval to maintain connection

  • Over-invest in relationships or maintain imbalanced friendships

  • Say or do things to please others at your own expense

  • Struggle to say ‘no’ or feel guilty when you do

  • Pretend to agree and avoid confrontation

  • Regularly feel unsatisfied, resentful and depleted in your relationships

    People-pleasing takes a toll over time.

While it’s great to be a concerned, thoughtful, generous, and caring person, trying to please others at the expense of our needs and emotional well-being can negatively impact our well-being in the long-term.

When we do things out of obligation or help someone to avoid conflict, it’s natural to experience resentment. We can feel angry when we feel we’re being exploited, taken advantage or, or even frustrated with ourselves when our kindness is taken for granted.

Our efforts to keep people from being disappointed or angry with us can stretch our own resources thin. It leaves less time for taking care of ourselves and what we need to thrive in our daily lives.

One of the hardest outcomes for people-pleasing is the lack of authenticity we can experience. When we hide our true feelings, opinions, concerns, preferences, and needs from others, we disconnect from who we really are.

With effective support and powerful techniques…

You can break people-pleasing patterns.

You can speak up for yourself.

You can set boundaries and protect your well-being.

You can prioritize your needs.

You can experience the deep sense of peace that comes from being your most authentic self.